Series of your study location that explain that the rainfall in the Sebaou River basin can reach 1800 mm/year, generating it one particular of your most watered basins in the Mediterranean. The intersection between the progressive and retrograde curves on the sequential Mann-Kendall test (SQMK) (Figure 4b) shows that the initial substantial damaging trend starts inside the years 1974 and 1984 till the early 2000s. Nonetheless, the second non-significant optimistic trend starts in early 2001. In accordance with Figure 4b, the SQMK test indicates a considerable value of U(t) for the 95 confidence interval, roughly equal to -2.five; this tendency was evidenced in all the stations during the year 2001. These climatic trends happen to be observed within the Mediterranean basin and in northern Algeria, which agree with all the presence of unfavorable rainfall trends involving the 1980s and 1990s [617]. 4.2. Univariate Correlation and Spectrum Pinacidil site evaluation The short-term analysis of rainfall (observation window from 1 to 125 days) is presented inside a correlogram, which decreases pretty quickly, assuming the value 0.two in the 3rd day and after that becoming zero at 35 days (Figure five). The rainfall doesn’t have a clear structure and features a quasi-random character in the short-term analysis (six months). The global short-term evaluation of every day flow rates shows that the correlograms (Figure five) reduce quickly at Boubhir and Freha, just a little rapid for RN30 ahead of 1999, and slow for Baghlia and RN30 following 1998. This explains why the hydrogeological program of Sebaou River is spatially heterogeneous and complex, or why every single sub-basin (karstic technique) is characterized by different memory effects every other, in line with the time dependence and independence of the events affecting the flows. Table two shows a summary classification of karst systems of the Sebaou River basin and a few representative Mediterranean karstic method determined by the memory effect along with the regularization time. Since the rainfall signal is a random input function, the log-spectrum rises C6 Ceramide Inducer dominating periodic structures to f = 0.0028 (hydrologic cycle each 357 days). The amplitudes of the spectra are homogeneously distributed and are subjected to damaging trends at all frequencies (Figure six).Water 2021, 13, 2946 Water 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW9 of 22 9 ofFigure four. Time series of some (a) rainfall stations and (b) benefits of sequential Man Kendall test.four.2. Univariate Correlation and Spectrum Evaluation The short-term evaluation of rainfall (observation window from 1 to 125 days) is presented in a correlogram, which decreases really quickly, assuming the worth 0.two in the 3rd day after which becoming zero at 35 days (Figure 5). The rainfall doesn’t have a clear strucFigure 4. Time series and includes a rainfall stations and (b) benefits of short-term analysis (six months). Figure four. Time series of some (a) quasi-random character in the sequential Man Kendall test. ture of some four.two. Univariate Correlation and Spectrum Evaluation The short-term analysis of rainfall (observation window from 1 to 125 days) is presented inside a correlogram, which decreases pretty rapidly, assuming the value 0.two at the 3rd day then becoming zero at 35 days (Figure 5). The rainfall will not have a clear structure and includes a quasi-random character inside the short-term evaluation (6 months).Figure Correlogram of each day rainfall and runoff time series (windows of 125 days). Figure 5.five. Correlogram of daily rainfall and runoff time series (windows of 125 days).Table 2. Classification of six karstic systems o.